Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Hello, truly amazing and wonderful citizens of Celestial Towers!
What's that? You're wondering why i'm so happy, even though i'm sick right now?
Well, I've been looking at the first CT blog for the past couple of days.
Wait, though. I know what you're thinking.
You're probably thinking about the last posts ever made on that blog, darker than shadow's fur.
I'm talking about the first posts, the hundreds of citizens, the mini-plays, the trade market, and the colorful background.
I want to relive those days. Feel the happiness we felt. think the wonderful thoughts we thought.
I'm not saying that any of you are doing this, but complaining about wanting change to happen won't just make change happen. We have to achieve Peppy's goal-
To make an amazing roleplay, other than a clan, that will change the history of Animal Jam roleplays forever.
It makes me sad when people come, say they want to join, and then think this blog is dead..
Maybe we could:
Put some things up for trade in the trade market?
Add some competitions to the competitions page?
Have more roleplays/activities?
Put some stories on the stories blog?
Anyways, my point is, all the craziness is over now. Let's pretend it never happened.
-Blows nose and takes a gulp of water-
Thank you. You guys are the best. :3
(Also, Vi, I have a question. Since Jake and I are together, if you ever quit or step down from being queen, would I be the new queen? Just wondering.)


  1. Angel(MY MOM CHANGED MY PASS)November 14, 2013 at 5:17 AM

    I would think you would be queen now since usually the married couple is royalty. I really don't care though

    1. That's kind of enough on Violet (sorry to be rude), and me and Oak aren't married. O3O We're just, dating.


  2. OH and today's my birthday and I am getting a cat tonight!!!!!!!!

  3. ....... Sorry its just I've thought over this and talked to you guys about this so many times I'm not sure how to answer that... Considering it caused so much hate and drama in the past...

  4. I kind of agree, if Violet ever quit, It would be fair if Oakfire was queen. Right? Everyone agree?


Please do comment, but remember-

~You are not allowed to post as "Anonymous"

~No hate, even if you are a high ranked citizen.

~No Cussing.

~Constructive Criticism is allowed.

~No Cyber-bullying.

~Please, think of what you are going to say. If it might cause drama, E-mail an admin instead.
