Friday, November 22, 2013


Hai everyone ^-^
The ball is at 9:00 PM o'clock and right now it's 7:40..
So 2 more hours!
Here's the details:
Date: Friday, Nov, 12, 2013

Time: 9:00 PM EASTERN-10:00 PM EASTERN

Den: bluewolfmoongirl

Bluewolfmoongirl's den will be locked and if your not her buddy send her a jam-a-gram with the lion on it 'You cause a up-roar!" Something like that with a party hat badge
so she can know you're from CT.
Thank you and see you then. 
Violet, I hope you can make it.
Thanks everyone!



  1. Thank you so much for posting this..

    I came soooooo close to forgetting that ball even existed >_<

  2. I'm so sorry I haven't been keeping up to date and didn't know there was a ball.... as I said im not nearly as active as I was during the summer. But I wouldn't have been able to make the ball anyways, I was at a church group activity... So fun :D


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