
Let me tell you about our kingdom, Celestial Towers. I am Vi Roil- the current queen of CT.

I started out as a princess, back in December 2012, when the kingdom first started. Celestial Towers was founded by Peppywolf who is now no longer part of the blog.

We have been through a lot. A lot of hate. A lot of love. A lot of sorrow. But we are still going.

This current blog is not the original- as an unknown author of our original blog took it into their own hands to delete the blog. So now we have to start over. But we are still going.

Let me tell you about what Celestial Towers is. An animal jam kingdom Roll Play. This means that we interact on animal jam and have balls, events, and roll plays on animal jam. To join the blog you must create a character on Animal Jam. Put a lot of thought into your character. Make them unique. And then submit your character in the comments on the ‘sign up’ page.

If you do not have a Blogger Account we ask you to please post comments using ‘name/url’. When you are posting comments you have the option to post as ‘name/url’. Select that if you do not have a google+ account and type in your name (kingdom/character name) in the ‘name’ category. You do not have to type in a URL. So just put in your name and continue.

That is mostly what you need to know about our kingdom. If you want to know more about our past continue reading. If not, you can sign up now.

Now, about the Past of CT (Celestial Towers)

We started out as a proud new kingdom. We had fun roll plays and were always in character. We acted proper. Peppy was the queen at this time. She was the only one making posts on the blog. I call this the ‘new age’ of CT. This lasted for about a month or less. This was the first era.

Then came the ‘citizens age’. I call it this because the citizens got more ‘rights’. Some could become authors and editors and could mess with the blog, make their own posts, schedule their own rollplays, and such. More and more citizens kept coming. And Celestial Towers became more popular. This lasted for about 2 months.

Things led to another and along came a new era of time, the ‘Social Age’. This was when Celestial Towers was at its peak. There was less roll plays, but lots of stuff happening on the blog. There was an average of at least 2 new posts every day and it was hard to keep up with what was happening. There where so many citizens and things began to change. People began to change. And we began to get our own opinions. This lasted for about 2 months.

Then everything changed. A dark prophecy was uncovered which claimed that Celestial Towers was destined to go into dark times and it claimed the kingdom might fall. And it almost did. This was the most regretful part of our history. The ‘Dark Age’. Fights began between citizens. So much Drama, so much hate. Over 3 people quit. The kingdom went into havoc. It all went overboard. The prophecy had come true. This lasted for about a month.

Then there was a sudden break in all of this. A short period of time I call the ‘Zero Age’. This was when things had begun to calm down. And suddenly nobody posted anymore. This was only for about a week. But nobody had anything to say, and most of us where still recovering from the dark age. So nothing much happened in CT for about a week.

Now, heres a great age: I call it ‘The Standard Age'. One of our citizens- Erica Grindle- suggested this. She says: "I feel like the blog getting deleted was a good thing. Now we don't have to scroll down and see all the proof of the 'Dark Age' but at the same time it was still bad because sometimes looking back at the drama we went through gave a spark of hope. I feel like this present time should be called the 'Standard Age' because we no longer need to look back on the past or into the future. Everything is just as it should be". And this age was just as she says. Just how it should be.

The era after this was called the “Quadruple age”. Weird name, I know. But… we were on our FOURTH BLOG. We went through about a week of bad drama, lots of haters came who weren’t part of the kingdom and wrecked our kingdom, said mean things, even swore. But we created another private blog, to keep things safe and in order.

The era we are in now is known as the 'Quiet Age'. Things have slowed down. We are less social, but still post and give updates. Have galas every once in a while. Chat on the chatroll on the bottom of the page (scroll down).

Eras Of Celestial Towers:

New Age~ Middle of December 2012- Middle of January 2013

Citizen Age~ Middle of January- Middle of March

Social Age~ Middle of March- Middle of May

Dark Age~ Middle of May- End of June

Zero Age~ Last week of June- First week of July

Standard Age~ July- Mid August

Quadruple Age~ Mid August- Mid October

Quiet Age~ Mid October- Present

Now that I have told you about our kingdom's past and present, you know what we're like. We have had some bad things in our past, but that doesn't mean we can't put the past behind us.
Long live our wonderful kingdom!

Your Queen,

-Vi Roil

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Please do comment, but remember-

~You are not allowed to post as "Anonymous"

~No hate, even if you are a high ranked citizen.

~No Cussing.

~Constructive Criticism is allowed.

~No Cyber-bullying.

~Please, think of what you are going to say. If it might cause drama, E-mail an admin instead.
