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Welcome to the competitions page, where you can create or join a contest!
Gala Design!
Create an outfit your personal Celestial Towers character would wear to a gala! It can be themed as anything, only it has to be YOUR ARTWORK. All entries will be sent in to my email at:! Try your best, and happy drawing! -Grell
January 8 (Please keep checking, date may change due to real-life situations)
An anime/manga style version of your character drawn by me personally!
1st place - Colored
2nd and 3rd - Pencil/pen/Sharpie
Re-capping important events!

Welcome to the competitions page, where you can create or join a contest!
To Create:
Character's name:
Competition name:
Competition description:
Due date/time:
*Optional, it can be anything from a hand-drawn ribbon to an item from Animal Jam!
Current Competitions:
Grell GrindleGala Design!
Create an outfit your personal Celestial Towers character would wear to a gala! It can be themed as anything, only it has to be YOUR ARTWORK. All entries will be sent in to my email at:! Try your best, and happy drawing! -Grell
January 8 (Please keep checking, date may change due to real-life situations)
An anime/manga style version of your character drawn by me personally!
1st place - Colored
2nd and 3rd - Pencil/pen/Sharpie
Celestial Towers Timelines
Jake Roil
Write a story or draw a timeline/picture of events,
Of our 2012/2013 year in Celestial Towers.Re-capping important events!
November 27th-December 25
Kingdom Of Light, by Oakfire Red
Entry #1
Monday, December 3, 2012-
Queen Peppy Roil had a blog, where a follower, RoseyIcyWolf, gave her an idea. Rosey had run her own kingdom, and told Peppy that she should make a kingdom since she thought that roleplaying was disappearing from Animal Jam. Rosey would soon be proved wrong. Peppy published her first post, with 54 following comments…
I, Blue Warrior Kader was the fifth to discover this magical kingdom.
Since there were already ten citizens, Queen Roil decided to host a ball. She could finally make the kingdom official. Then she decided it needed a new name. A poll was held and it became known as Celestial Towers, and the citizens all received the ability to use light and air magic. A Chatroll was soon added, and a few items were added to the Trade Market not too far from the castle.
Peppy started to make a map of the kingdom’s land. Then, to our dismay, our first war was declared. Frost and I became spies, and learned everything we could about the Snow Kingdom. At the same time, Peppy made an arrangement for Jake to marry one of the Snow Kingdom’s princesses. The wedding never happened, though.
The first ball was planned, and our first mini-play took place. A stories page was added, and it was soon packed full of wonderful adventures and mishaps!
Later, in Jamaa Township, Peppy found a small, frozen fox alone in the snow. They became Princess Juniper, one of the many princesses who would join. The second ball would happen in January, and in both, there was feasting, dancing, and joy!
An evil wolf named Soul Stealer was out for revenge. He killed Princess Violet, and haunted the snow Kingdom. He was defeated, and the royal family became so full, you couldn’t join it anymore!
Then, a strange shadow found our kingdom, and messed with the citizens. He helped save someone, and won my approval, even if he did annoy my clone. The wedding was announced, and I was punished for lying and pretending to be a boy, but I believed it was worth it. That happiness did not last, though. Rude comments from a mystery person began to be posted, driving the citizens crazy.
Peppy finally found a king, brightsoul122. A few days later, the whole kingdom was genderbent by a bunch of pixies! After the spell wore off, authors were added, since Peppy needed a bit of help keeping up with everything.
Something happened, and I was pushed off of one of the castle’s towers, right in front of Shadow. He was soon reunited with his children, Oakfire and Hawkspirit Red. Spam bots started to comment, and the authors were made into admins.
Some more roleplay rules were added, and Juniper Roil died and was reincarnated as Alice Draco, a dragon loving warlock. Cottages were up for sale, and the kingdom had too many members to count!
Arguing soon broke out. Princess Fuzzy Roil had a wedding, but she was killed and became Shadowfur. Celestial Towers came up with it’s new emblem-
The blue phoenix, a symbol of magic, life,and rebirth.
After that, there was more hate, but more roleplaying. Jake and Oak had a journey, and Oak had a full warlock ceremony. Soon, there was too much drama going on, and three people quit. The kingdom was then drowned in a sea of hate and anger, and Peppy eventually had to quit. That left Jake and Violet as the king and queen. There were 27 more posts, and the blog was deleted.
Then we lost our second blog the same way. On our third blog, we had another ball, but there was still a bit of hate and anger here and there. We found a blog that completely copied Celestial Towers, but when they found out that we knew about them, the owner (and the only member) shut down their blog. It turns out we weren’t careful enough though, and our blog was somehow deleted.
But that time, not by a former citizen, who we had once been able to trust.
She had tricked the kingdom, and blamed her best friend for everything. Even in the beginning, she was trouble. Celestial Towers is still strong, though. Our kingdom will make it to 2014, and probably even past that.
We are strong enough to get up on our feet and overthrow darkness, darker than our own shadows. Long live Celestial Towers, the kingdom of light.
Character's name: Grell Grindle
ReplyDeleteCompetition name: Gala Design!
Competition description: Create an outfit your personal Celestial Towers character would wear to a gala! It can be themed as anything, only it has to be YOUR ARTWORK. All entries will be sent in to my email at:! Try your best, and happy drawing! -Grell
Due date/time: January 8 (Please keep checking, date may change due to real-life situations)
Prizes: An anime/manga style version of your character drawn by me personally!
1st place - Colored
2nd and 3rd - Pencil/pen/Sharpie
I'll make a post about it as soon as possible! One question, can it by a picture of your character wearing it?
Not signed in.
*squeals* Thank you!
DeleteSorry, I'm a bit confused by the question. I'll answer in 2 ways:
If your talking about for the entry, that's perfectly fine!
For the prize, I'll only draw from ribcage up.(To be honest, I'm not that good)
Hope that helped! ^^