Yes, it's around that time of the year when I create a completely random post, venting out all my feelings to about the two people who read this. Greetings everyone, Jake here. I suppose this post isn't necessarily random, as I have been thinking about writing this for quite sometime. Though I do not always visit this website, memories of it are constantly in the back of my head, and I think of you guys a ton, surprisingly!! <3
I've changed a lot, I mean, what can you say, it's been nearly.. three years? Like usual, I'd love talking to any of you, but I really don't have a lot to say. I'll share a little about my life, though, so you guys know I'm doing alright!~
Back when Celestial Towers was actually active, I lied about my age quite a lot. I thought I was good at it, but looking back at the way I typed, I truly wasn't fooling anyone, lol.. Next year, in September 2017, I will finally be going to high school! I'm incredibly nervous, although I'm somewhat looking forward to the whole experience..? (I'm pretty sure I told you guys I was in like, grade 10, but god no, when Celestial Towers began I was in grade 4..)
I may be starting back up a YouTube channel again, mainly for art and such. I'm addressing this as it will be another way for everyone to contact me! :-)
For now, here are some platforms:
Instagram: bcseawolf, owlclann
(until July 2016, you can contact me on owlclann, from then onwards, I will not own that account, so do not contact me through there.) (I have at least 10 more Instagram accounts, but it would be silly to share every single one.) - [ Very active, online everyday ]
Gmail: jakeistheroil@gmail -
[ Inactive, online once every 3(?) months ]
That's it, I believe. I care about you all so much, it's unbelievable. Celestial Towers really impacted my life, and I'm forever grateful for meeting all of you. Please, if you see this, comment a hello. :-)
- Jake/Cheetahs.
[ P.S- before I end off completely, I'd just like to say a few things to two specific people. ]
Juniper/Ovi/Sonic Boom/Alice/Rainbow Dash/still no idea what to call you ;;
I've been thinking about you a lot recently, I hope you're doing alright. Looking back on everything we went through, all the fights we had, it was absolutely pathetic on my part. So here is the closure I've been needing for three years!! I love you a lot, and truly care about you. Though I seem like the last person to ever think about you, you cross my mind frequently. I hope you're taking care of yourself <3
Oakfire ;;
My gosh, I miss you more than anything in the entire world. I miss just being in your presence honestly, and I really wish we could just talk one more time. On Instagram I've met some really good people (through roleplay, art, and such), we've all been friends for a couple of years now, and still, all the little things about them, they always remind me of you. I love you so so much, I know how cheesy all of this is, but embrace it :") in my heart, you'll always be my best friend, I seriously admire the heck out of you. If you have a YouTube channel, or anything, tell me!!