Monday, September 16, 2013

Goodbye, My Castle.

Hello everyone ^^ Its Jake here. Miss me? ;3 I'm just saying I'm know longer king. I don't feel that I need power, I miss being prince. Son of a great mother. I've heard Violet doesn't want to be queen? I thought you were really into it. Sorry, I need to catch up on roleplays... VI PLEASE MAKE THIS BLOG NOT PRIVATE. Like Molly (my friend who doesn't have google+) is really upset I was talking to Darknessoftheshadows same as her. I'll roleplay about my king-ship-y thing. Maybe I can move in with someone? Oakfire, anyone? XD Well... thats all. Don't ask me for help, I dont feel power coming towards me. I'll still always want to be king but why not for like a few months...? Good-bye, I love you all. DONT THINK THATS WEIRD. BUT CT IS AMAZING >;D Bye.


-P.S Why the heck aren't I author? I kinda need to add me picture profile...-



  1. I agree, Vi please make the blog public again!!!!

    1. Its not active anymore when its private!
      and if it stays private we would most likely never get new members because very very few new people will take the time to email Vi to ask to get in..

  2. Guys, I don't even know if you read my post but I am telling you I don't have a lot of time. I am not leaving CT, im just taking a break. Im still the queen- I just wont be active. I will (hopefully) be back next summer. And every once and a while I will check on the blog to see how everything's going. Until then, AU REVOIR! ;)


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