Friday, August 30, 2013

Remember this?

Heh... remember that police station? The one that caused soooooooo much drama? Well, I had completely forgotten about it. Now I have no freaking idea what I should do with it.


Should I delete? Fix it? Turn it into something completely different? I'm open for suggestions!


Monday, August 26, 2013

Book and Castle

'Princess Academy'- has anyone read this book? I finished reading it a few days ago... and its very cool considering it revolves around a medieval kingdom dictating their citizens. Its a really great book. Its fairly boring at the start but gets better as you read farther into it.
I also started reading the sequel 'princess academy: palace of stone', which centers even more into what the kingdom is like. The king is fat, selfish, and rich and cares only about himself and demands the citizens to pay him tributes, even if they are poor or starving. It just rouses me to compare our kingdom to the one in such books. Anyone else read a book like this about a kingdom? Tell me if you've read this book!

Next, I am making the castle. I must ask, what rooms do you think we need? I made a like lobby room as the first room (btw im doing the den the regular castle), and i think ill do like bedrooms for the royals. But what other rooms do we need? Please reply! Im hoping to finish up the castle!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


-waves hand- Hi, ya'll! I don't really have much to say... um... yeah...

I do have a question though. How do we get new members if the blog is private?


Monday, August 19, 2013

Hi! ^^

Ok, I know the blog was deleted but I almost think it was for the best. We should have thought of having a private blog sooner and made the blog private before all the drama happened.

Well.... before it was deleted some people posted some pretty... harsh comments... that nobody really saw because... well... the blog was deleted.

Those people where mostly Artemis (Alice) and Keiko.

But now that our blogs private we don't need to worry about them! ^^

Now, I know that we haven't had a role play in forever or a ball or anything. But my idea is that this blog could become more social then it was before. So its partly a social blog where we can chat and talk and stuff as well as a kingdom blog. Like- we are getting a new puppy and I was thinking of making a post asking for name suggestions.

Anyways- we're back! ^^